We are the Sultans of Solve, rulers of the puzzle realm, and we have questions for you. Do you enjoy puzzles? Do you take pleasure in unearthing and solving mysteries? Do you long to prove your investigative skills?
If you answered, "Yes," then you meet the requirements to join our ranks. The Sultans of Solve have games to test your mettle. Our mystery boxes provide hours of puzzling challenges as you work through the storyline to its climactic dénouement.

What Makes Us Different
Perhaps you are familiar with puzzle and mystery boxes. You believe you have played them all. But you have not yet experienced the likes of a Sultans of Solve game! How are we different? We shall enlighten you.

Puzzle Density
"What is this?" you might ask. We know you buy mystery games because you like to PUZZ (yes, that is a verb). We, at the Sultans of Solve, are determined to offer an unparalleled puzzling experience. Classic puzzles with new twists; wholly unique, never-before-seen puzzles; multi-layered puzzles...if you can imagine it, we have it. A smorgasbord of puzzles, fit for a King (or should we say, a Sultan), in each box.
Puzzle - Narrative Balance
The omniscient Sultans know that if you simply wanted a paltry collection of disjointed puzzles, you would purchase a puzzle book. That is why, despite the abundance of puzzles in each box, we ensure that all our games are equipped with a uniquely enthralling and immersive storyline.
Some puzzlers insist on narrative-heavy games; others require puzzle-centric games. The debate is always intense, but there is no need to quarrel!. The Sultans of Solve say, "Why not have both?​!"

Turban Rating Scale
Most puzzle games are rated for difficulty. But not those of the Sultans of Solve! No, nothing so prosaic. Our boxes contain puzzles that span a range of difficulty within a single game.
Instead, we measure the quantity of puzzles! The Sultans use turbans as our puzzle density rating tool: more turbans means more puzzles. The scale is 1-5, with a 3 representing average.

We loved it and are very excited about it!

Puzzle Variability
While there is certainly some merit to relying on a winning formula, The Sultans of Solve believe that variety is the spice of life. That is why each of our games is, and always will be, vastly different from its predecessors.
Although some games may take place in the same game universe, that is where any similarities end. From the individual puzzles, to the storyline, to the actual details of game play: each game will feel like an entirely different experience, but for one common thread: pure puzzley awesomeness!
HOWEVER, make no mistake! The term “average” in this case applies to an average Sultans of Solve game. Unlike others' game boxes, you can expect a Sultans' game with a score of 3 out of 5 turbans to be amongst the puzzliest games you’ve played. As Sultans, that is the standard we set for ourselves.
But don't take our word for it. See what others are saying about our games!
No two puzzles are alike, so I was kept captivated as the narrative moved along.
I highly recommend this game to novices and experts alike!
So what are you waiting for?
Join our world of majestic mystery and become a Sultan today by buying one of our games.
You will not regret it!